Ukubuyekezwa kwemakethe yezimpahla zolwandle
China - North America
- Izinga izinguquko: Without a bounce-back in demand, freight rates continue to fall.
- Izinguquko zemakethe: Congestions have been seen at major US sea ports and rail hubs. In Canada, port congestions and delays have been worsening. Railway delays are getting better than last week.
- Incomo: Book your freight at least 2 weeks prior to the cargo ready date (CRD).
China - Europe
- Izinga izinguquko: Freight rates are decreasing as a result of reduced demand.
- Izinguquko zemakethe: Space is readily available but schedule reliability is affected. European ports are struggling under severe delays. This situation also causes longer lead times for shipping vessels to return to Asia.
- Incomo: Setha isikhathi sebhafa lapho uhlela ukuthunyelwa kwakho.
Izimpahla zomoya/ukubuyekezwa kwemakethe ye-express
China – America/Europe/Oceania
- Izinga izinguquko: In the second half of October, the freight rates of Express via JY (Premium) increased, including Indonesia, South America, Europe, and Africa.
The freight rate of Freight via JL (Economy) decreased.
- Amasevisi amasha atholakalayo: On-time delivery guaranteed offerings are available from Air Charter Express US (Premium). For chartered SKA customers, logistics VIPs, and customers with a logistics level of Level-2 or Level-3, the company provides an on-time delivery guarantee (with compensations for shipping delays).
Lightweight Goods Express (Standard) now operates 2-30KG shipping in the US, France, and Australia.
Disclaimer: Lonke ulwazi nokubukwa kulokhu okuthunyelwe kuhlinzekelwe ngezinjongo zereferensi kuphela futhi akuhlanganisi noma yisiphi iseluleko sokutshala izimali noma ukuthenga. Ulwazi olucashunwe kulo mbiko luvela kumadokhumenti emakethe yomphakathi futhi lungase lushintshe. ayenzi ziqinisekiso noma iziqinisekiso zokunemba noma ubuqotho bolwazi olungenhla.