Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Amandla avuselelekayo » Iziphathimandla zase-France zigunyaze iphrojekthi ye-Agrivoltaic engu-450 MW
Iphrojekthi ye-Agrivoltaic

Iziphathimandla zase-France zigunyaze iphrojekthi ye-Agrivoltaic engu-450 MW

French developer Green Lighthouse Développement says the French authorities have approved its 450 MW agrivoltaic project on 200 hectares of agricultural land in southwestern France.

Automated watering

Image: GLHD

Kuvela kumagazini we-pv France

The authorities in Landes department, France, have approved the Terr’Arbouts agrivoltaic project, launched in 2020 by 35 farmers working to diversify crops due to water quality issues.

The project, developed by Green Lighthouse Développement (GLHD), spans 700 hectares and will feature 200 hectares of solar panels, generating 450 MW of power alongside agricultural production.

“A rotation of fodder, oilseeds, and omega-3-rich crops will support livestock farms and local needs,” said Jean-Michel Lamothe, president of PATAV, the farmers’ association behind the project.

The authorities have formalized the project’s sustainability with agreements, including a rural lease and a partnership to protect water resources.

Jean-Marc Fabius, CEO and founder of Green Lighthouse Développement, said the project has undergone five years of studies and consultations, leading to improvements such as preserving rural paths, creating ecological and landscape corridors, and reducing certain areas of land use. These changes were made to address concerns from local communities, CDPENAF members, government agencies, associations, and residents. The project is set to be commissioned in 2028.

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