Honda Motor and Yamaha Motor reached an agreement for Honda to supply Yamaha with electric motorcycle models for the Japanese market, based on the Honda “EM1 e:” and “BENLY e: I” Class-1 category models, as an OEM (original equipment manufacturer). The two companies will proceed with further discussion toward the signing of a formal agreement.
In October 2016, the two companies began discussions toward a possible business alliance in the Japanese Class-1 category motorcycle market to address various challenges motorcycle manufacturers would face, including compliance with increasingly stringent safety standards and emissions regulations, as well as the pursuit of electrification.
The key areas of discussion included: 1) supplying 50cc scooter models as an OEM, 2) joint development/OEM supply of next-generation 50cc business scooter models, and 3) collaboration toward the popularization of electric motorcycles in the Class-1 category. Based on that discussion, in March 2018, Honda began supplying 50cc scooter models to Yamaha as an OEM.
Moreover, in April 2019, Honda and Yamaha, together with Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. and Suzuki Motor Corporation, established the Swappable Battery Consortium for Electric Motorcycles for the purpose of popularizing electric motorcycle models. The Consortium discussed the possibility of standardizing mutual-use swappable batteries and their swapping systems as one of the solutions to address key challenges in the popularization of electric motorcycles—range and charging time—and reached an agreement to standardize (establish common specifications) in March 2021.
Ukulandela lezi zinhlelo, i-Honda ne-Yamaha bavumelene ngokuthi i-Honda izohlinzeka ngamamodeli esigabeni se-Class-1 ku-Yamaha njenge-OEM, ngokusekelwe ku-EM1 e: kanye ne-BENLY e: I, exhaswe yi-Honda Mobile Power Pack e: ibhethri elishintshwayo. thobelana nemibandela evamile. Ngalokhu kubambisana, lezi zinkampani ezimbili zizoqhubeka nokuhlinzeka ngezinhlobo zezithuthuthu zikagesi ezizokwanelisa izidingo zamakhasimende amaningi esigabeni se-Class-1, okuyisigaba esidumile kokubili ukuhamba komuntu siqu kanye nokusetshenziswa kwebhizinisi.
To further popularize electric motorcycles in the Class-1 category in Japan, the two companies will enhance their product lineup and continue to address various challenges facing electric motorcycles such as range, charging time, performance and cost.
Umthombo ovela I-Green Car Congress
Umshwana wokuzihlangula: Ulwazi olubekwe ngenhla lunikezwa ngaphandle ayenzi izethulo namawaranti mayelana nekhwalithi nokuthembeka komdayisi nemikhiqizo. iyazilahla ngokusobala noma isiphi isibopho sokwephulwa kwelungelo lobunikazi lokuqukethwe.