Ikhaya » Izindaba zakamuva » Izimboni eziyi-10 ezinenani elikhulu kakhulu lamabhizinisi e-UK
izimboni eziyi-10 ezinenani elikhulu lamabhizinisi e-uk

Izimboni eziyi-10 ezinenani elikhulu kakhulu lamabhizinisi e-UK

Management Consultants in the UK
Charities in the UK
I-Business Process Outsourcing Services e-UK
Computer Consultants in the UK
Osonkontileka Bokwakha e-UK
Consultant Engineering Services in the UK
E-Commerce & Online Auctions in the UK
Freight Road Transport in the UK
Imali Yempesheni e-UK
Takeaway & Fast-Food Restaurants in the UK

1. Management Consultants in the UK

Inombolo Yamabhizinisi ka-2023: 169,480

Over the five years through 2022-23, revenue is projected to climb at a compound annual rate of 2.3%. This growth has primarily been driven by an enhanced demand for IT consulting services. In addition, regulatory changes in the financial services sector, the industry’s largest downstream market, have benefitted the industry, as banks and other financial institutions have required assistance to reformulate business strategies and operations to comply with new policies.Plunging business confidence following the COVID-19 outbreak reduced demand for consulting services in 2020-21, as downstream companies held back on expanding their operations in the immediate aftermath of the outbreak.

2. Charities in the UK

Inombolo Yamabhizinisi ka-2023: 161,359

Industry revenue is expected to contract at a compound annual rate of 4.3% over the five years through 2023-24 to £51.2 billion. Industry growth has been constrained by falling funding from the EU because of Brexit. High-profile scandals have prevented major players from claiming government funding and reduced support from the public. In combination with public funding cuts, demand for social services has risen. Cuts to overseas aid budgets, announced in November 2020, are constraining revenue over the two years through 2023-24.

3. I-Business Process Outsourcing Services e-UK

Inombolo Yamabhizinisi ka-2023: 155,200

Izinkampani ze-Business process Outsourcing (BPO) zihlinzeka ngamasevisi kumakhasimende kuyo yonke imikhakha yezomnotho, kanti izinsizakalo zezezimali kanye nemikhakha yomphakathi kuyizimakethe ezibaluleke kakhulu. Ukwamukelwa kwe-IT kanye nezindleko zikahulumeni ziye zanda phakathi naso sonke isikhathi, okugqugquzela amabhizinisi ukuthi atshale imali eningi ezinhlelweni ze-IT kanye nokuthuthukiswa, ukusekela isidingo sezinsizakalo ze-BPO.Imali engenayo yomkhakha ibikezelwa ukuthi izokwehla ngezinga lonyaka elihlanganisiwe lika-2.5% phakathi neminyaka emihlanu kuya ku-2023-24 kuya ku-£ 71.5 billion, okuhlanganisa ukukhula okulindelekile kwe-4.6-2023% ku-24.

4. Computer Consultants in the UK

Inombolo Yamabhizinisi ka-2023: 121,641

The Computer Consultants industry is composed of businesses that provide expert advice and assistance in planning and designing computer systems that integrate computer hardware, software and communication technologies. Computer consultants provide services to clients in all sectors of the economy, although the financial services and public sectors are particularly important markets. Demand for industry services is largely influenced by business confidence levels, which typically rise and fall in line with general economic conditions, and technological advancements, particularly those that are beneficial to businesses.

5. Osonkontileka Bokwakha e-UK

Inombolo Yamabhizinisi ka-2023: 94,545

Izinkampani embonini Yezinkontileka Zokwakha zisebenza kuzo zonke izimakethe zokwakha nezobunjiniyela bomphakathi. Naphezu kokukhokhelwa ngokuqedela izinkontileka ezintsha zokwakha kanye nengqalasizinda noma ukufeza izibopho zokunakekela, ukulungisa, ukulungisa kanye nokulungisa kabusha izibopho zenkontileka, inhlobonhlobo yezinsizakalo ezihlinzekwa yizakhamuzi kanye nosonkontileka abavamile bezakhiwo kulo mkhakha ziningi. Abanye osonkontileka bagxila ekwakhiweni kwezindawo zokuhlala ezintsha, kuyilapho ochwepheshe bonjiniyela bomphakathi bekhokhela izinsiza zamakhasimende kulo lonke uchungechunge lwenani lengqalasizinda. Abanye osonkontileka basebenza ngokukhethekile emisebenzini yokwakha yezentengiselwano, kuyilapho osonkontileka abaningi abazimele bangagxila ekulungiseni okuncane nasekulungiseni izinkontileka ezimakethe zendawo.

6. Consultant Engineering Services in the UK

Inombolo Yamabhizinisi ka-2023: 74,081

Over the five years through 2023-24, revenue is projected to dip at a compound annual rate of 1.6% to £62.3 billion. However, this is mainly the result of a sharp drop in revenue in 2020-21, as industry demand slumped amid depressed business investment and subdued construction activity during the COVID-19 outbreak. Commercial construction deteriorated amid plunging business confidence. Nevertheless, strong infrastructure construction activity, including electricity and telecommunications infrastructure construction, has underpinned industry revenue. In addition, government capital spending has increased over the period, as highlighted by the approval of large infrastructure projects.

7. E-Commerce & Online Auctions in the UK

Inombolo Yamabhizinisi ka-2023: 64,204

Companies in the E-Commerce and Online Auction industry sell a diverse range of goods through online portals. Over the past decade, the industry has undergone considerable change, switching from focusing on mail orders and direct TV and telephone sales to e-commerce, driven by the expansion and accessibility of internet services. The increasingly integrated nature of the internet and smartphones in everyday life has been pivotal in developing mobile applications and driving growth. Over the five years through 2022-23, e-commerce revenue is expected to expand at a compound annual rate of 8% to reach £47.4 billion.

8. Freight Road Transport in the UK

Inombolo Yamabhizinisi ka-2023: 58,874

The Freight Road Transport industry operates the most extensive transport network of all freight modes, providing much-needed flexibility and the convenience of door-to-door haulage. The industry has historically offered faster and more reliable delivery times and less damage to goods than other freight methods, making it popular. According to the latest data from the Department for Transport, road transport accounted for 77.4% of all goods moved in the UK in 2020. Revenue is expected to contract at a compound annual rate of 1.5% over the five years through 2023-24 to £33.5 billion, including a 0.8% drop in 2023-24.

9. Imali Yempesheni e-UK

Inombolo Yamabhizinisi ka-2023: 55,477

Izikhwama zempesheni zinesikhathi soshintsho. Iminyaka embalwa edlule ikhombise uguquko lusuka ku-defined benefit (DB) lwaya ezinhlelweni ze-defined contribution (DC) eziphethe imboni. Ngemuva kokuqala kobhubhane lwe-COVID-19, izimakethe zezabelo zonakele, okwenza amanani empahla ehle ngo-2020. Kodwa-ke, ukusimama okuqhubekayo kwezimo zomnotho njengoba ubhubhane luwohloka kwabonakala ngamanani alinganayo, asekela amafa esikhwama sempesheni.

10. Takeaway & Fast-Food Restaurants in the UK

Inombolo Yamabhizinisi ka-2023: 48,847

A growing number of busy on-the-go consumers is maintaining healthy revenue levels among takeaway and fast-food operators. Britons’ growing health and sustainability awareness is presenting a significant opportunity for takeaway and fast-food businesses to introduce more expensive organic and meat-free menu items. Industry revenue is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 0.5% over the five years through 2022-23 to £21.6 billion, including forecast growth of 0.9% in 2022-23.A weak spending environment, combined with operating challenges during the pandemic, is casting a shadow over industry performance.

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