Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Amandla avuselelekayo » U-Longi Ukhipha I-HPBC 2.0 Amamojula Kuphrojekthi Yelanga Esatshalaliswa Yokuqala Yase-China
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U-Longi Ukhipha I-HPBC 2.0 Amamojula Kuphrojekthi Yelanga Esatshalaliswa Yokuqala Yase-China

ULongi uthi amamojula ayo e-hybrid passivated back contact (HPBC) 2.0 afakwe okokuqala ngqa kuphrojekthi yokukhiqiza esabalalisiwe. Imboni yelanga engu-2.2 MW enyakatho-mpumalanga yeShayina manje isisebenza ngokuthengisa.


Isithombe: Longi

A 2.2 MW solar plant featuring Longi’s HPBC 2.0 dual-glass PV modules has been connected to the grid in Yichun, China‘s Heilongjiang province. 

The array, which features Longi’s 630 W HPBC 2.0 modules, is the first HPBC 2.0 distributed solar plant to reach commercial operation.

The facility is located at Longfei Wood Products Factory in Yichun, an area integral to China’s timber industry, and is expected to generate 3.2 million kWh per year for the factory. It was constructed as a ground-mounted installation, which will deliver 25% more power generation than a flat rooftop installation, according to Longi.

The company said the use of its HPBC 2.0 modules will help the Longfei plant to generate an additional 111,000 kWh annually compared to a tunnel oxide passivated contact (TOPCon) PV plant of the same capacity, representing a 3.56% power gain. It added that the modules have an increased installed capacity of 5% compared to TOPCon modules across the same surface area, achieving an 8.56% power generation gain.

The Chinese manufacturer launched the HPBC 2.0 range earlier this year, after unveiling the HPBC 1.0 technology in November 2022.

The company claims that HPBC 2.0 modules outperform TOPCon modules in resistance to UV, damp heat, and thermal cycling. They also feature a temperature coefficient of -0.26% per degree Celsius, improving by 0.03% per degree Celsius over TOPCon. These enhancements will ensure durability and reliable performance, even in Yichun, where winter temperatures can drop as low as -30 C.

“The establishment of the first HPBC 2.0 PV power plant not only supports Yichun’s transition from a timber-based economy to an ecological one but also signifies the nationwide potential for HPBC 2.0 distributed PV power plants to take root and flourish,” a statement from Longi says.

In October, Longi’s HPBC 2.0 module set a new world record for crystalline silicon solar module efficiency, reaching 25.4%.

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