Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. and Honda Motor Co., Ltd. have agreed to carry out joint research in fundamental technologies in the area of platforms for next-generation software-defined vehicles (SDVs).
This agreement is based on the memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed by the companies on March 15 regarding the commencement of discussions on a strategic partnership for the age of intelligence and electrification. (Earlier post.) Both companies also today signed an MOU on deepening the framework of the strategic partnership, which is being discussed and considered on a broad scope. (Earlier post.)
Abakwa-Nissan kanye nabakwa-Honda babambe iqhaza ezingxoxweni nasezingxoxweni ezithile ngenhloso yokusebenzisana emikhakheni eyahlukene ukuze kuqhutshekwe nokusheshisa imizamo yokuthola umphakathi ongathathi hlangothi kanye nongenazingozi zomgwaqo. Zombili lezi zinkampani zithuthukisa i-R&D kanye nokutshalwa kwezimali kubuchwepheshe obuhlukahlukene ukuze kugqugquzelwe ukusabalala nokuziphendukela kwemvelo kwama-EV, ikakhulukazi ama-SDV, okuwumkhakha wokufunda emikhakheni yezobunhloli kanye nokufakwa kukagesi.
Lezi zinkampani zombili zikholelwa nokuthi umkhakha wesoftware, okuhlanganisa ukushayela okuzenzakalelayo, ukuxhumana, kanye ne-AI, ezonquma inani lezimoto esikhathini esizayo futhi ibe umthombo wokuncintisana, iyindawo lapho ukusungulwa kwezobuchwepheshe kushesha kakhulu futhi lapho ama-synergies angakwazi khona kalula. ingatholwa ngokuhlanganiswa kwezinsiza kuzo zombili izinkampani, njengolwazi lwezobuchwepheshe kanye nezinsiza zabantu.
Ngokusekelwe kulo mbono okwabelwana ngawo, abakwaNissan kanye nabakwaHonda bangene esivumelwaneni socwaningo esihlanganyelwe ngobuchwepheshe obuyisisekelo beplathifomu yesizukulwane esilandelayo se-SDV, futhi bacubungula ithuba lokuhlinzeka ngenani elisha ngokudala ngokubambisana.
I-MOU yalezi zinkampani ezimbili esanda kusayinwa ihloselwe ukujulisa ubudlelwano bamasu ukuze kuchazwe izindawo eziqondile zokubambisana kanye nokusheshisa ukufezeka kobambiswano lwamasu.
Next-generation SDV platform. Inkundla yesizukulwane esilandelayo ye-SDV iyisisekelo somkhakha wezobunhloli. Lezi zinkampani ezimbili zivumile ukwenza ucwaningo oluhlanganyelwe ngobuchwepheshe obuyisisekelo futhi seziqalile ucwaningo.
I-Nissan ne-Honda ihlose ukuqeda ucwaningo oluyisisekelo cishe ngonyaka owodwa futhi ngokusekelwe emiphumeleni ibheka ukuthi kungenzeka yini ukuthuthukiswa kokukhiqiza ngobuningi.
Major areas of cooperation in the MOU on deepening the strategic partnership include:
- Amabhethri. Batteries are key components of EVs, and the two companies will consider the scope of cooperation from a short-term and medium- to long-term perspective. This includes sharing specifications and mutual supply.Bringing together the battery technologies and assets of both companies will enable offering a wide range of battery options, from high-output to low-cost models, as well as cost reduction effects through investment diversification and risk-hedging, and deliver the advantage of volume.The two companies have reached a basic agreement to commonize the specifications of their battery cell modules for EVs from a medium- to long-term perspective, with the aim of enabling the batteries they plan to procure to be usable in vehicles from both companies.Honda and Nissan will study the supply of lithium-ion batteries for EVs manufactured by L-H Battery Company, Inc., a joint venture between Honda and LG Energy Solution, to Nissan in North America after 2028.
- e-Axles. The two companies have reached a basic agreement to commonize the specifications of their respective e-Axles, over the medium to long term, to be used in the next-generation EVs of both companies. The agreed first step is to share motors and inverters, the core of the e-Axle.
- Mutual vehicle complementation. With the models to be sold globally by Nissan and Honda, the two companies will consider supplementing models from a short-term to medium- to long-term perspective. For the short-term, Nissan and Honda reached a basic agreement on models and regions to be complemented by each company, and also agreed on the outline of a product review system to be jointly operated by both companies.ICE and EVs are being considered as vehicles for mutual complementation.
- Energy services and resource circulation in Japan. Lezi zinkampani ezimbili ziphinde zavuma ukutadisha ukuthi kungenzeka yini ukubambisana emikhakheni yezinsizakalo zamandla kanye nokusakazwa kwezinsiza e-Japan, okuhlanganisa ukushaja, imishini yamandla, izinsizakalo zamandla ezisebenzisa amabhethri, nezinsizakalo zokushaja.
Umthombo ovela I-Green Car Congress
Umshwana wokuzihlangula: Ulwazi olubekwe ngenhla lunikezwa ngaphandle ayenzi izethulo namawaranti mayelana nekhwalithi nokuthembeka komdayisi nemikhiqizo. iyazilahla ngokusobala noma isiphi isibopho sokwephulwa kwelungelo lobunikazi lokuqukethwe.