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white Nissan Patrol

Nissan Launches Redesigned Patrol

Powered by a V6 twin turbo petrol engine

Nissan’s new Patrol
Nissan’s new Patrol

Nissan Motor has launched a new Patrol SUV at a private event in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) attended by local royals and VIPs, dealers, global Nissan executives and the media.

The seventh-generation Patrol, unveiled by company president Makoto Uchida, has a bold new design and is powered by a V6 twin turbo petrol engine, nine speed automatic transmission and has adaptive air suspension for enhanced all terrain capability.

Nissan said the new Patrol comes equipped with “intuitive technology” including its Google-powered NissanConnect 2.0, ProPilot Assist and Klipsch Premium Audio System.

Uchida said in a statement: “The seventh generation is a bold leap forward, blending unparalleled performance, cutting edge technology and a commanding presence to redefine what an SUV can be.”

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