Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Amakhemikhali Nepulasitiki » Into Eyodwa Yengezwe Ohlwini Lwabaqokelwe I-SVHC, Letha Ingqikithi Yama-241
I-Chemistry Laboratory - Owesifazane Onamapayipi namashubhu okuhlola

Into Eyodwa Yengezwe Ohlwini Lwabaqokelwe I-SVHC, Letha Ingqikithi Yama-241

Helsinki, June 27, 2024 – The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) officially announced the addition of one substances of very high concern (SVHC), bringing the total number of substances on the SVHC list (also known as the Candidate List) to 241. The complete SVHC list can be accessed here. 


The detailed information of these substances is as follows:

Igama lomuthiInombolo ye-ECInombolo ye-CASReason for inclusionExamples of use(s)
Bis(α,α-dimethylbenzyl) peroxide201-279-380-43-3Toxic for reproduction (Article 57c)I-flame retardant

Isikhumbuzi Esifudumele

For products exported to the European Union that contain SVHC substances exceeding 0.1%, companies are obligated to fulfill information transmission and SCIP reporting requirements. If the export volume of SVHC substances exceeding 0.1% exceeds 1 ton per year, SVHC notification must also be conducted.

Corporate Responsibilities and Obligations

Companies need to be aware of their responsibilities and obligations regarding SVHC substances in their products:

  • When the SVHC content in an article exceeds 0.1%, its suppliers must provide the recipient of the article with information on its safe use;
  • Upon consumer request, sufficient information, including substance names and their concentrations, must be provided free of charge within 45 days;
  • If the export volume exceeds 1 ton per year, importers and manufacturers of the article need to complete the notification to ECHA within 6 months from the date of exceeding the threshold;
  • Starting from 5 January 2021, substances from the SVHC list present in articles at concentrations above 0.1% need to be submitted to ECHA’s SCIP database; and
  • Substances listed in the SVHC list may be included in the Authorization List in the future, requiring companies to apply for authorization to continue their use.

Uma udinga noma yiluphi usizo noma unemibuzo, sicela uxhumane nathi nge-service@cirs-group.com.

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