Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Amakhemikhali Nepulasitiki » Into Eyodwa Yengezwe Ohlwini Lwabaqokelwe I-SVHC, Kwengeza Ingqikithi Yama-242
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Into Eyodwa Yengezwe Ohlwini Lwabaqokelwe I-SVHC, Kwengeza Ingqikithi Yama-242

November 7, 2024, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has officially announced the addition of 1 substance to the SVHC List (also known as the Candidate List), bringing the total number of substances to 242. The complete SVHC list can be accessed here.

Slow European Union and EU economy and slowing Europe economic growth as a Euro financial challenge or stagflation problems and slow political Brussels legislation by politicians in a 3D illustration style.

The detailed information of these substance is as follows:

Igama lomuthiInombolo ye-ECInombolo ye-CASIsizathu sokufakwaIzibonelo zokusebenzisa
Triphenyl Phosphate204-112-2115-86-6Izakhiwo eziphazamisa i-Endocrine (I-athikili 57(f) - imvelo)This substance is used as a flame retardant and plasticiser in polymer formulations, adhesives and sealants.

Isikhumbuzi Esifudumele

For products exported to the European Union that contain SVHC substances exceeding 0.1%, companies are obligated to fulfill information transmission and SCIP reporting requirements. If the export volume of SVHC substances exceeding 0.1% exceeds one ton per year, SVHC notification must also be conducted.

Izibopho Nezibopho Zenkampani

Izinkampani zidinga ukuqaphela izibopho zazo kanye nezibopho maqondana nezinto ze-SVHC emikhiqizweni yazo:

  • Uma okuqukethwe kwe-SVHC ku-athikili kudlula u-0.1%, abahlinzeki bayo kufanele banikeze umamukeli we-athikili ngolwazi ngokusetshenziswa kwayo ngokuphephile;
  • Lapho umthengi ucela, ulwazi olwanele, okuhlanganisa amagama ezinto ezisetshenziswayo kanye nokugxilwa kwazo, kufanele kuhlinzekwe mahhala zingakapheli izinsuku ezingama-45;
  • If the export volume exceeds one ton per year, importers and manufacturers of the article need to complete the notification to ECHA within six months from the date of exceeding the threshold;
  • Starting from January 5, 2021, substances from the SVHC list present in articles at concentrations above 0.1% need to be submitted to ECHA’s SCIP database; and
  • Izinto ezisohlwini lwe-SVHC zingase zifakwe ohlwini Lokugunyazwa ngokuzayo, okudinga izinkampani ukuthi zifake isicelo sokugunyazwa ukuze ziqhubeke nokuzisebenzisa.

Uma udinga noma yiluphi usizo noma unemibuzo, sicela uxhumane nathi nge-service@cirs-group.com.

Umthombo ovela CIRS

Ukuzihlangula: Ulwazi olubekwe ngenhla luhlinzekwa yi-cirs-group.com ngaphandle kwe-Chovm.com. I-Chovm.com ayenzi izethulo namawaranti mayelana nekhwalithi nokuthembeka komdayisi nemikhiqizo. I-Chovm.com iyazilahla ngokusobala noma yisiphi isibopho sokwephulwa kwelungelo lobunikazi lokuqukethwe.

Shiya amazwana

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