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I-Philippines Ilindele u-2 GW we-New Solar ngo-2024

Iziphathimandla ePhilippines zithi isizwe sihlose ukwengeza i-1.98 GW yelanga kulo nyaka, kanye ne-590 MW yesitoreji sebhethri, njengengxenye engaphezu kwe-4 GW yamaphrojekthi wamandla avuselelekayo.


The Philippines is set to switch on nearly 2 GW of solar this year, according to figures from the country’s Department of Energy (DOE).

The DOE expects 1.98 GW of solar to come online, as part of 4.2 GW of renewable energy projects. It said 966 MW will likely be switched on by June, with 495 MW of solar capacity already in the testing and commissioning stage. The targeted renewables capacity also includes 590 MW of battery storage, 32.42 MW of which is already in operation.

The installations are expected to help strengthen the reliability and stability of the grid, while preventing supply deficiencies and potential power interruptions, the DOE said.

Energy Secretary Raphael P.M. Lotilla called on government agencies to “proactively engage with energy project developers, prioritize the issuance of permits, and address right-of-way issues in a timely manner to facilitate the seamless implementation of energy projects.”

According to figures from the International Renewable Energy Agency, the Philippines had 1.7 GW of deployed solar at the end of 2023, suggesting it could more than double its capacity this year if the forecasts materialize. 

At the start of the year, Solar Philippines started work on what is thought to be the world’s largest solar array. It is expected to reach 4 GW by its completion date, which is currently scheduled for 2026.

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