Ikhaya » amakhemikhali


I-aerosol spray

Us Proposes Curbing the Use of Hfc-152A and Hfc-134A in Aerosol Sprays

On July 10, 2024, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) introduced a draft rule to ban aerosol dusters containing over 18 milligrams of either 1,1-Difluoroethane (HFC-152a) or 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a). Pending CPSC Commission approval, this rule, scheduled for review on July 31, will take effect 30 days after final regulations are published, following public consultation.

Us Proposes Curbing the Use of Hfc-152A and Hfc-134A in Aerosol Sprays Funda kabanzi "


Over 130 Confidential Chemicals Added to US TSCA Non-Confidential Inventory

On May 29, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the latest version of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory, which includes 886,770 chemical substances, of which 42,377 are active chemicals. This update to the TSCA Inventory includes the addition of more than 130 substances formerly on the confidential list and 29 existing substances.

Over 130 Confidential Chemicals Added to US TSCA Non-Confidential Inventory Funda kabanzi "

Ifulegi lase-United Kingdom

Ukuhlelwa Okugunyaziwe kwe-UK nokulebula Kwezinto Ezingama-88 Manje Seziyasebenza

Ngomhla zingama-24 kuJuni 2024, isiphathimandla se-CLP sase-UK, i-HSE, simemezele ukuthi sinikeze umphumela ongokomthetho ezintweni zamakhemikhali ezingama-88 ezisohlwini lwase-UK lwe-Mandatory Classification and Labeling (GB MCL) yase-UK. Lesi sibuyekezo siqale ukusebenza ngokushesha lapho sikhululwa futhi sithobela imithethonqubo. Lezi zibuyekezo zisekelwe ku-14th and 15th Adaptations to Technical Progress (ATP), ebuyekeza i-CLP Regulation, ekhishwe yi-European Commission.

Ukuhlelwa Okugunyaziwe kwe-UK nokulebula Kwezinto Ezingama-88 Manje Seziyasebenza Funda kabanzi "

Panoramic view of a waving EU flag

EU Extends Expiry Date for Active Substance Cis-tricos-9-ene to 2027

On May 13, 2024, the European Commission, guided by EU Regulation No. 528/2012 and Directive No. 98/8/EC, extended the expiry date of the active substance cis-tricos-9-ene (CAS No.: 27519-02-4) for use in biocidal products of product-type 19 until March 31, 2027. This extension takes effect 20 days after publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

EU Extends Expiry Date for Active Substance Cis-tricos-9-ene to 2027 Funda kabanzi "

Scientist mix organic liquid in a flask in a research laboratory

Upcoming Approval for REACH Registration Testing Proposals for 12 Substances

In accordance with REACH regulations, before conducting tests under Annex IX and X (for registration volumes of 100-1000 tons per year and over 1000 tons per year), registrants must submit a testing proposal (TP). After a consultation period, ECHA will finalize the testing requirements based on feedback and the characteristics of the substance.

Upcoming Approval for REACH Registration Testing Proposals for 12 Substances Funda kabanzi "


ECHA Launches Public Consultation on Chromium Trioxide Applications

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has launched a consultation on an application submitted by its Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (CTACSub 2) for the authorization of Chromium trioxide (EC 215-607-8, CAS 1333-82-0). This application covers twelve specific uses across three categories: mixture formulation, functional chrome plating on components, and surface treatments in aerospace and other industries.

ECHA Launches Public Consultation on Chromium Trioxide Applications Funda kabanzi "

European flags.

EU Announces Latest Updates on PFAS Restriction Proposal

On April 15, 2024, Germany, as one of the five initiating countries of the European Union’s proposal to restrict perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) (the other four countries include the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway), updated its assessment report based on the numerous comments collected during the six-month public consultation phase from March 22, 2023, to September 25, 2023. The assessment work was conducted by the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)

EU Announces Latest Updates on PFAS Restriction Proposal Funda kabanzi "

USA flag and contemporary glass skyscrapers in New York

U.S. OSHA Amends Hazard Communication Standard To Align With GHS Rev. 7

On May 20, 2024, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) amended the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) to align with the 7th Revised Edition of the UN’s Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). The amendment includes elements from the 8th Revised Edition of the GHS and retains certain U.S.-specific requirements. The regulation takes effect on July 19, 2024, with compliance required by January 19, 2026, and for mixtures by July 19, 2027.

U.S. OSHA Amends Hazard Communication Standard To Align With GHS Rev. 7 Funda kabanzi "

Indlunkulu Yekhomishini YaseYurophu

Ikhomishini ye-EU Imemezela Imikhawulo Emisha ku-D4, D5, kanye ne-D6

Ngomhla ziyi-16 kuNhlaba, i-2024, iKhomishana YaseYurophu yachibiyela i-Annex XVII ku-Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 yePhalamende LaseYurophu kanye NoMkhandlu ophathelene noBhaliso, Ukuhlola, Ukugunyazwa kanye Nokuvinjelwa Kwamakhemikhali (REACH) ngokuphathelene ne-octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4), i-deylcyclopentasiloxane (D5), i-decopentasiloxane (D6) i-dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D2006). Ngaphansi komthethonqubo we-REACH wango-XNUMX, isichibiyelo sibeka imikhawulo eqinile ekusetshenzisweni kwalawa makhemikhali kuzimonyo eziwashwayo kanye neminye imikhiqizo yabathengi nephrofeshinali.

Ikhomishini ye-EU Imemezela Imikhawulo Emisha ku-D4, D5, kanye ne-D6 Funda kabanzi "

EU Flags at the European Commission Building

ECHA To Broaden Scope of Chromium Substances in Restriction List, Including Authorized Compounds

On May 8, 2024, authorized by the European Commission, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) expanded its REACH XV restriction proposal to include at least 12 Chromium (VI) compounds, supplementing the initial measures for Chromium trioxide and Chromic acid introduced in September 2023.

ECHA To Broaden Scope of Chromium Substances in Restriction List, Including Authorized Compounds Funda kabanzi "

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