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Electornics & Tools

Volvo Semi Tractor Trailer Trucks

Volvo Trucks Launches Next-Generation Safety Systems To Protect Pedestrians and Cyclists

Volvo Trucks is introducing two safety systems focusing on protecting pedestrians and cyclists. Volvo Trucks continuously develops its active safety systems to protect vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians, all with the purpose of taking steps towards the company’s long-term vision of zero accidents involving Volvo trucks. The…

Volvo Trucks Launches Next-Generation Safety Systems To Protect Pedestrians and Cyclists Funda kabanzi "

Umkhakha wezimoto

I-MIPS Ikhipha i-P8700 High-Performance AI-Enabled RISC-V Automotive CPU ye-ADAS kanye Nezimoto Ezizimelayo

I-MIPS, umthuthukisi we-IP compute cores esebenza kahle futhi elungisekayo, umemezele ukutholakala okujwayelekile (GA) kwe-MIPS P8700 Series RISC-V Processor. Idizayinelwe ukuhlangabezana nezidingo zokubambezeleka eziphansi, ukunyakaza kwedatha okunamandla kakhulu kwezinhlelo zokusebenza zezimoto ezithuthuke kakhulu njenge-ADAS kanye nezimoto ezizimele (AVs), i-P8700 iletha okuhamba phambili embonini...

I-MIPS Ikhipha i-P8700 High-Performance AI-Enabled RISC-V Automotive CPU ye-ADAS kanye Nezimoto Ezizimelayo Funda kabanzi "

Imoto yowesifazane iphukile futhi ecela usizo.

Amathiphu Abalulekile Okugcinwa Kwemoto Okusebenza Kwesikhathi Eside

Maintaining your vehicle is vital to ensuring long-term performance and can save you from costly repairs down the road. While some maintenance tasks are common knowledge, others are often overlooked. In this article, we’ll explore essential vehicle maintenance tips designed to keep your car running smoothly for years to come. For those looking […]

Amathiphu Abalulekile Okugcinwa Kwemoto Okusebenza Kwesikhathi Eside Funda kabanzi "

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