Izimoto & Ezokuthutha


I-Volvo Izokwethula Amaloli Anezinjini Zokuvutha Ezifuswe Nge-Hydrogen; I-Westport HPDI

I-Volvo Trucks yakha amaloli anezinjini ezivuthayo ezisebenza nge-hydrogen. Ukuhlolwa kwasemgwaqweni ngamaloli asebenzisa i-hydrogen ezinjinini ezivuthayo kuzoqala ngo-2026, kanti ukwethulwa kwezentengiselwano kuhlelwa ngasekupheleni kwale minyaka eyishumi. Amaloli e-Volvo anezinjini ezivuthayo ezisebenza nge-hydrogen azofaka i-High Pressure Direct Injection (HPDI),…

I-Volvo Izokwethula Amaloli Anezinjini Zokuvutha Ezifuswe Nge-Hydrogen; I-Westport HPDI Funda kabanzi "

I-Transporter Box Truck 3D Rendering

Iloli I-All-Electric RIZON Truck Lethula Amamodeli Amabili Amasha kanye Newaranti Ethuthukisiwe ye-MY 2025

I-RIZON, okuwuphawu olusha kunazo zonke lwezimoto zikagesi zeDaimler Truck, yandise i-Class 4 kuya ku-5 ngokwethula izinhlobo ezimbili ezintsha: i-e18Mx ne-e18Lx. Lawa mamodeli anikezela ngamakhono athuthukisiwe okulayisha kanye nezici ezintsha ezenzelwe ukulethwa kwasemadolobheni nendawo. I-e18Mx ne-e18Lx zinikeza ukuthuthukiswa…

Iloli I-All-Electric RIZON Truck Lethula Amamodeli Amabili Amasha kanye Newaranti Ethuthukisiwe ye-MY 2025 Funda kabanzi "


I-Hyundai Motor kanye ne-Plus Partner bazokhombisa iloli likagesi le-Autonomous Fuel Cell Electric Level 4 e-US

Inkampani yakwaHyundai Motor kanye nenkampani ye-autonomous driving software i-Plus yethule iloli likagesi lokuqala lika-Level 4 le-hydrogen fuel cell e-US embukisweni we-Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo. Umphumela wokubambisana phakathi kwaHyundai Motor kanye nePlus, iloli ye-XCIENT Fuel Cell yakwaHyundai Motor, efakwe i-Plus…

I-Hyundai Motor kanye ne-Plus Partner bazokhombisa iloli likagesi le-Autonomous Fuel Cell Electric Level 4 e-US Funda kabanzi "

Indawo yombukiso ye-Honda dealership

I-Honda izokwethula i-Debut Class 8 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck Concept ku-ACT Expo 2024

AbakwaHonda bazokwethula okokuqala i-Class 8 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck Concept Embukisweni Wezokuthutha Ezihlanzekile (ACT) mhla zingama-20 kuNhlaba, ubonisa ukuqala kwephrojekthi entsha yokubonisa okuhloswe ngayo ukukhiqizwa kwesikhathi esizayo kwemikhiqizo esebenza ngophethiloli emakethe yaseNyakatho Melika. I-Honda ifuna ukusebenzisana okusha kwebhizinisi njenge…

I-Honda izokwethula i-Debut Class 8 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck Concept ku-ACT Expo 2024 Funda kabanzi "

Imoto enelogo yakwaVolkswagen phambi kwendawo edayisayo

IVolkswagen Iqala Ukuthengiswa Kwegalofu Elisha GTE kanye nama-eHybrid PHEVs eYurophu

The new Volkswagen Golf GTE and the new Golf eHybrid offer new plug-in hybrid technology along with a range of enhanced features. The Golf eHybrid is designed for maximum comfort and its second-generation plug-in hybrid drive delivers an output of 150 kW (204 PS), with an all-electric range of up…

IVolkswagen Iqala Ukuthengiswa Kwegalofu Elisha GTE kanye nama-eHybrid PHEVs eYurophu Funda kabanzi "

Indiza engujekamanzi ye-Corail Ifika ku-Helipad

Umjaho Wokuqala Wendiza Yendiza Ehamba Phambili ye-Airbus Helicopter; Ukwehliswa kwama-20% Ekusetshenzisweni Kwamafutha

Airbus Helicopters’ Racer demonstrator recently made its first flight. Launched as part of the European Clean Sky 2 program, the objectives were a 20% reduction in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions compared with a conventional aircraft of the same weight, and an equally significant reduction in the noise footprint. Simulations,…

Umjaho Wokuqala Wendiza Yendiza Ehamba Phambili ye-Airbus Helicopter; Ukwehliswa kwama-20% Ekusetshenzisweni Kwamafutha Funda kabanzi "

Ukuthengiswa kwe-EV

I-EIA: Isabelo sase-US Sokuthengiswa Kwezimoto zikagesi kanye neHybrid Sehlile ngekota yokuqala ka-2024

The share of electric and hybrid vehicle sales in the United States decreased in the first quarter of 2024 as battery electric vehicle (BEV) sales declined, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). Hybrid vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and BEVs fell to 18.0% of total new light-duty vehicle…

I-EIA: Isabelo sase-US Sokuthengiswa Kwezimoto zikagesi kanye neHybrid Sehlile ngekota yokuqala ka-2024 Funda kabanzi "

Isiteshi sokushaja esinesivinini esiphezulu sezimoto zikagesi emigwaqweni yedolobha

I-US Ukuze Ikhuphule Izindleko Kuma-EV aseShayina ziye ku-100%; Izingxenye ezihlobene ku-25%

President Biden is directing US Trade Representative (USTR) Katherine Tai to take action to add or increase tariffs for certain products from China, including EVs and EV components. Ambassador Tai will propose the following modifications in EV-related strategic sectors: Electric vehicles Increase rate to 100% in 2024 Battery parts (non-lithium-ion…

I-US Ukuze Ikhuphule Izindleko Kuma-EV aseShayina ziye ku-100%; Izingxenye ezihlobene ku-25% Funda kabanzi "

Isitolo sezimoto ze-Audi

I-Audi's Premium Platform Electric (PPE) yesizukulwane esilandelayo se-Fully Electric Premium Mobility

Audi’s Premium Platform Electric (PPE), developed jointly with Porsche, is a key component for the expansion of the global portfolio of all-electric Audi models. For the next generation of electric vehicles from Audi, the company has redeveloped the electric motors, the power electronics, the transmission, as well as the high-voltage…

I-Audi's Premium Platform Electric (PPE) yesizukulwane esilandelayo se-Fully Electric Premium Mobility Funda kabanzi "

Racing Cars entanjeni

Bosch Engineering, Ligier Automotive Showcasing Hydrogen-Engined JS2 RH2 at Le Mans

Bosch Engineering and Ligier Automotive have taken their Ligier JS2 RH2 hydrogen-powered demonstrator vehicle (earlier post) to the next level. In recent months, tests have been carried out to test the engine and the entire vehicle for robustness and endurance performance and to optimize the drive concept further. By systematic…

Bosch Engineering, Ligier Automotive Showcasing Hydrogen-Engined JS2 RH2 at Le Mans Funda kabanzi "

IHyundai Motors

I-Hyundai Motor Imaka Ukwethulwa Ngokusemthethweni kwe-NorCAL ZERO Project for Zero-Emission Freight Transportation

Inkampani yakwaHyundai Motor Company imake ukwethulwa ngokusemthethweni kwe-NorCAL ZERO Project—uhlelo olusebenzisa ubuchwepheshe benkampani ye-hydrogen fuel cell ukuletha izinto zokuthutha ezikhipha i-zero-emission eziya eSan Francisco Bay Area kanye naseCentral Valley yaseCalifornia. Umcimbi wokunikezela obuse-Oakland's FirstElement Fuel Hydrogen Refueling Station ulethe iHyundai Motor...

I-Hyundai Motor Imaka Ukwethulwa Ngokusemthethweni kwe-NorCAL ZERO Project for Zero-Emission Freight Transportation Funda kabanzi "

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