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V12 uphawu

Ukuqala Kwenkathi Entsha Ye-V12

Once in a generation a new Aston Martin powerplant arrives to shift the ultra-luxury paradigm and today we reveal just that in the shape of a fearsome new V12 engine.

Aston Martin has committed to continuing its 25-year bloodline of V12-engined flagships with a technical masterpiece and a true leader in its class. A showcase for exceptional in-house engineering ability it is a defiant defender of emotional engagement, promising visceral performance for those who understand the direct route to a heart-pounding drive.

With 835PS and an extraordinary 1000Nm of torque the new V12 engine is unmatched. The result of a complete re-design, targeting optimisation and improvement, the new engine refines every stage of the internal combustion process to achieve unprecedented performance and efficiency.

Hardware highlights of the new V12 engine include a strengthened cylinder block and conrods, redesigned cylinder heads incorporating reprofiled camshafts, plus new intake and exhaust ports. Repositioned spark plugs and new higher flowrate fuel injectors deliver optimised combustion for class leading performance and efficiency gains. In addition, new higher speed, reduced inertia turbochargers deliver increased performance and throttle response.

Aston Martin Chief Technical Officer, Roberto Fedeli said: “The V12 engine has long been a symbol of power and prestige, but it is also a statement of engineering passion and technical prowess. With 835PS and 1000Nm of torque this unparalleled engine represents nothing less than the dawn of a dazzling new V12 era for Aston Martin.”

The new V12 engine, which will feature across Aston Martin’s most exclusive and limited availability models, is a bold statement of luxurious sporting intent and, as such, it will be handcrafted, year by year, in strictly limited numbers.

It will make its first appearance in a new flagship model; sitting at the heart of a true dynamic disruptor that debuts later in 2024 when further technical details will be shared.

All will be vanquished.

About Aston Martin Lagonda:
Aston Martin’s vision is to be the world’s most desirable, ultra-luxury British brand, creating the most exquisitely addictive performance cars.

Yasungulwa ngo-1913 ngu-Lionel Martin no-Robert Bamford, i-Aston Martin yaziwa njengophawu lomhlaba wonke olufana nesitayela, ukunethezeka, ukusebenza, kanye nokukhethekile. U-Aston Martin usebenzisa ubuchwepheshe bamuva nje, ubuciko obuhlonishwayo besikhathi kanye nesitayela esihle ukuze akhiqize izinhlobo eziningi zokunethezeka ezihlonishwa kakhulu okuhlanganisa iVantage, DB12, DBS, DBX kanye ne-hypercar yayo yokuqala, i-Aston Martin Valkyrie. Iqondaniswe noMjaho wayo. Okuhlaza. isu lokusimama, u-Aston Martin uthuthukisa ezinye izindlela zeNjini Evuthayo Yangaphakathi enendlela exubile yokushayela phakathi kuka-2025 no-2030, okuhlanganisa i-PHEV ne-BEV, enohlelo olucacile lokuba nohlu lwezimoto zemidlalo zikagesi nama-SUV.

Isekelwe eGaydon, eNgilandi, i-Aston Martin Lagonda iklama, idala, futhi ithumele ngaphandle izimoto ezithengiswa emazweni angaphezu kuka-50 emhlabeni jikelele. Izimoto zakhona zezemidlalo zakhiwe eGaydon nohlobo lwayo lwe-DBX SUV oluwubukhazikhazi olwakhiwe ngokuziqhenya eSt Athan, eWales. Inkampani isethubeni lokuletha izikhungo zokukhiqiza i-net-zero ngo-2030.

Lagonda was founded in 1899 and came together with Aston Martin in 1947 when both were purchased by the late Sir David Brown, and the company is now listed on the London Stock Exchange as Aston Martin Lagonda Global Holdings plc.

2020 saw Lawrence Stroll become the company’s Executive Chairman, alongside significant new investment. This coincided with Aston Martin’s return to the pinnacle of motorsport with the Aston Martin Aramco Formula One® Team and commenced a new era for the iconic British marque.

Umthombo ovela Imoto Yami Ezulwini

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