Toyota Motor Corporation and Joby Aviation, Inc. announced that Toyota will invest an additional $500 million to support the certification and commercial production of Joby’s electric air taxi, with the aim of realizing the two companies’ shared vision of air mobility.
The investment, which will be made in two equal tranches, is subject to standard regulatory approvals and certain other conditions, finalization of collaborative and commercial agreements and, with respect to the second tranche, the finalization of terms related to a strategic alliance focused on commercial manufacturing and certain other conditions.
The investment, which will bring Toyota Motor Corporation’s total investment in Joby to $894 million, will be made in the form of cash for common stock, with the first tranche targeted to close later this year and the second in 2025.
UJoby uyaqhubeka nokwenza inqubekelaphambili ebalulekile ekuhwebeni, esanda kwethula indiza yayo yesithathu isuke emgqeni wayo wokukhiqiza e-Marina, CA, kanye nokugqama kwesakhiwo esinwetshiwe e-California esizoba ngaphezu kokuphindwe kabili kokukhiqizwa kweNkampani. Ngo-Agasti 2024, yaqinisekisa ukuthi isigaba sesine kweziyisihlanu zenqubo yokunikezwa kwezitifiketi manje sesingaphezu kwengxenye eyodwa kwezintathu esiphelele ngasohlangothini lwe-Joy.
Toyota’s additional investment reflects the continued aim of Toyota Motor Corporation’s founding family to realize the dream of air mobility for personal or daily travel as part of its transformation into a mobility company.
Kusukela ngo-2019, ngaphezu kokutshalwa kwezimali kwezimali, iToyota ibitshala isikhathi nezinsiza zabantu ukuze yabelane ngolwazi lwayo ngoHlelo Lokukhiqiza lweToyota ngokuhlela inqubo, ukuthuthukiswa kwezindlela zokukhiqiza, kanye nokuklama kwamathuluzi. Onjiniyela bakwaToyota manje basebenzisana nethimba leJoby eCalifornia, futhi, ngo-2023, lezi zinkampani ezimbili zasayina isivumelwano sesikhathi eside sokuthi iToyota inikeze isitimela esibalulekile samandla kanye nezingxenye zokuvula ukuze kukhiqizwe indiza kaJoby.
Ubudlelwano beToyota noJoby baqala ngokutshalwa kwezimali kokuqala okwenziwa iToyota Ventures, uphiko lwemali yokuqala yebhizinisi yakwaToyota ehlola futhi ihlonze ubuchwepheshe obuphazamisayo nezinkampani ngamathuba okutshala imali futhi inikeze ukwesekwa kwezinkampani zephothifoliyo. I-Toyota Motor Corporation ngemuva kwalokho yaphothula ukutshalwa kwezimali okulinganiselwa ku-$394 million.
Umthombo ovela I-Green Car Congress
Umshwana wokuzihlangula: Ulwazi olubekwe ngenhla lunikezwa ngaphandle ayenzi izethulo namawaranti mayelana nekhwalithi nokuthembeka komdayisi nemikhiqizo. iyazilahla ngokusobala noma isiphi isibopho sokwephulwa kwelungelo lobunikazi lokuqukethwe.