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I-US Renewables Investment Bank Iqondise ku-4 GW ekupheleni konyaka

ICatalina Energy Capital ithi manje isisendleleni yokweluleka ngaphezu kwe-4 GW yempahla yelanga neyokugcina ekupheleni kuka-2024.

US renewable investment

Isithombe: pv magazine

Kuvela kumagazini we-pv wase-USA

Catalina Energy Capital is a renewable energy investment bank with a mission to accelerate the energy transition by creating capital solutions across debt and equity capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, climate tech, power purchase agreements, and tax credits.

Dan Rittenhouse, who founded the bank in July 2023, told pv umagazini USA that the company raises capital at the corporate and project levels, spanning early-, mid-, and late-stage renewable energy assets.

The bank has already closed three deals. One of them is with SolarStone Ltd., which the bank advised on a solar and storage portfolio sale totaling 500 MW.

The bank has also arranged a $130 million corporate raise for Novel Energy Solutions, a Midwest-based solar and storage developer, from a $40 billion global asset manager.

A seven-figure equity and debt raise was also completed for Solar Collective, a commercial and industrial solar developer, from family office Current Equity Partners.

Ukuze uqhubeke ufunda, sicela uvakashele yethu pv umagazini USA Iwebhusayithi.

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