Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Izingxenye Zemoto Nezesekeli » I-Volkswagen Group of America Ivula ihabhu elisha le-Gulf Coast eFreeport, eTexas
I-Volkswagen Group

I-Volkswagen Group of America Ivula ihabhu elisha le-Gulf Coast eFreeport, eTexas

Volkswagen Group of America (VWGoA) has opened a new port facility at Port Freeport in Texas. Port Freeport will import and process up to 140,000 vehicles for Volkswagen, Audi, Bentley, Lamborghini, and Porsche, supporting approximately 300 dealers in the Central and Western United States.

Gulf Center

After consolidating two smaller facilities in Houston and Midlothian, Texas to create the new Freeport location, VWGoA now operates seven ports in the United States, including Baltimore, MD; Benicia, CA; Davisville, RI; Jacksonville, FL; San Diego, CA; and the Volkswagen Assembly Plant in Chattanooga, TN.

This new Gulf Coast hub represents an approximate $114-million investment in the Freeport area and creates more than 110 new direct jobs in addition to indirect jobs in trucking, rail, and vessel operations.

Port Freeport’s wider channel allows for the use of larger liquified natural gas (LNG) vessels which help advance Volkswagen Group of America’s sustainability goals.

Use of larger liquefied natural gas (LNG) vessels

Real estate investment and development companies KDC and PRP worked in collaboration with VWGoA and Port Freeport to develop the site. To support further development of the local talent pool, VWGoA has partnered with Brazosport College in nearby Lake Jackson to create a new credentialed program in logistics with an emphasis on Vehicle Logistics operations. Developing programs such as this in collaboration with local stakeholders will support future transportation, storage, and distribution job opportunities across Brazoria County and at Port Freeport.

Umthombo ovela I-Green Car Congress

Umshwana wokuzihlangula: Ulwazi olubekwe ngenhla lunikezwa i-greencarcongress.com ngaphandle kwe-Chovm.com. I-Chovm.com ayenzi izethulo namawaranti mayelana nekhwalithi nokuthembeka komdayisi nemikhiqizo. I-Chovm.com iyazilahla ngokusobala noma isiphi isibopho sokwephulwa kwelungelo lobunikazi lokuqukethwe.

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